These 3 Non-Surgical Alternatives Make Liposuction a Thing of the Past

Liposuction Alternative Procedures Washington DC

Liposuction is often considered the crème de la crème of body contouring and fat reduction procedures because its results are dramatic and often unsurpassed. Yet, liposuction is not for everyone. As it is a surgical procedure, it’s invasive and requires a significant amount of downtime.

For many patients, an invasive fat reduction procedure is not appealing, which is why liposuction alternatives are trending these days. For fat reduction without surgery, CoolSculpting®, Kybella®, and Exilis® offers my Washington, DC, patients several effective alternatives to liposuction without the invasiveness, discomfort, and downtime.

In fact, these 3 non-surgical fat treatment and skin tightening options are so effective, especially when combined with proper diet and exercise, that they might make liposuction a thing of the past! These liposuction alternatives are not mutually exclusive and are often combined for optimal results.

#1: “Freeze the Fat” with CoolSculpting

CoolSculpting is FDA-approved to destroy fat cells and contour your body using the scientific “fat-freezing” technology cryolipolysis. Essentially, the procedure super-cools the fat cells in the targeted area until the cells crystallize and splinter. Your body then processes the shattered fat particles until flushing them from your system.

This non-surgical fat reduction procedure is designed for patients who are relatively healthy and close to their ideal weight yet have several areas where the fat stubbornly clings. It’s intended to supplement an otherwise healthy lifestyle to give Washington, DC patients that last bit of fat loss or body sculpting that you desire.

CoolSculpting is minimally invasive, so there are only a few potential side effects, which commonly include:

  • Pain or soreness
  • Tenderness
  • Itching
  • Swelling
  • Bruising

The side effects are usually mild and vanish within a week.

The final fat treatment results depend on your adherence to a proper diet and exercise routine. Optimal results and reaching your body sculpting goals are more readily reached if you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

#2: Kybella Can Eliminate a Double Chin in 2-3 Sessions

Kybella is an FDA-approved, profile-improving injectable designed to correct a double chin. It is considering one of several effective liposuction alternatives because of the main ingredient, deoxycholic acid, which synthesizes well with your body due to the fact that it’s a naturally occurring substance in the human body. This allows your body to more easily break down and flush the treated fat cells from your system.

Kybella injections offer the following body sculpting benefits:

  • Permanent fat destruction
  • Visible results in a short amount of time
  • More defined jawline and neck

What to Expect During the Session

No anesthesia is required for the injections due to the ultra fine needles used to inject Kybella into your chin, especially when administered by a skilled, experienced Washington, DC, doctor with a delicate, precise touch. However, patients with an aversion to needles can have a topical numbing agent applied to make the chin fat reduction procedure more comfortable.

With or without the numbing agent, this liposuction alternative takes only about 30 minutes, and there is no downtime from the injections—patients can immediately carry on with their day after a session. The number of injections and half-hour sessions that will be necessary to reach your goals will depend on the amount of fat under your chin, which can be determined during a consultation with your physician.

Results usually become noticeable in about a month, although you could notice improvement beforehand. By exercising regularly and eating well, your body sculpting results will appear natural. Additionally, there may be a few side effects following the fat reduction treatment, which could include:

  • Soreness and tenderness
  • Swelling
  • Inflammation
  • Bruising
  • Numbness

Learn more about Kybella’s active ingredient and why it is considered one of the best liposuction alternatives at WebMD.

#3: Exilis Tightens Skin and Melts Fat with Radiofrequency

DC Cosmetic Dermatology Facial Dermal TreatmentExilis is an FDA-approved skin tightening treatment that corrects loose skin and dimpled fat on the face and body. This non-surgical treatment uses innovative radiofrequency technology to target deep tissue and fat cells without affecting the surrounding skin or tissue. The radiofrequency waves penetrate deep into your skin to help improve your body’s collagen-producing abilities and strengthen your skin structure. This revolutionary technology achieves tighter, firmer skin, and subtle fat reduction.

Exilis is most effective for moderate amounts of sagging tissue that stubbornly resist diet and exercise. With the radiofrequency technology, the deep tissue is heated up in order to trigger a tightening effect, achieving tighter, reinvigorated skin, and a rejuvenated appearance.

What Areas Does Exilis Treat?

The heat energy from the radiofrequency technology shrinks and tightens skin in the following areas:

  • Neck
  • Upper arms
  • Muffin top
  • Stomach
  • Thighs

Exilis can also tighten the cheeks, neck, jowls, upper arms, upper back, thighs, and abdomen. As a result, your skin looks and feels smooth and supple. In many cases, patients who undergo a fat reduction treatment, such as CoolSculpting or Ultherapy also follow up with Exilis to treat the sagging skin that may remain when the fat cells dissipate. For an idea of the type of results Exilis can achieve, view my before-and-after photo gallery.

Are There Side Effects of Radiofrequency Treatments?

The fat reduction and skin tightening procedure is safe and may only result in a few mild side effects. An innovative safety mechanism monitors the radiofrequency energy and will automatically shut off if an issue arises, reducing the risk of complications. Mild, temporary side effects from this non-surgical skin tightening treatment include tenderness, inflammation, and soreness.

Contact MI Skin Dermatology Center in Washington, DC

With the rapid evolution of technology, cosmetic dermatological treatments are also regularly improving, offering treatments with less downtime and fewer side effects yet delivering longer-lasting, more effective results. To learn more about these liposuction alternatives such as CoolSculpting, contact my team at MI Skin Dermatology Center in Washington, DC for more information. Call us today at (202) 393-7546 or request a consultation online to schedule a FREE consultation.

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