QUIZ: Which Laser Treatment Option Is Right for You?

a before and after image of a woman with damaged skin (model)

Lasers have changed the way we treat the skin. What once was only solvable with surgery or topical products can now be lasered away with innovative devices that maximize results and minimize downtime.

What Are My Laser Skin Treatment Options?

There are quite a few options for laser skin treatments, each designed to treat a unique set of cosmetic concerns. We are proud to offer a wide range of today’s most advanced light and laser devices at MI Skin in Washington, DC, including Fraxel® laser skin resurfacing and broadband light (BBL) skin rejuvenation.

To help you narrow down which options may be worth discussing at a consultation, we have put together this quick quiz. Answer a few questions to get a recommendation and learn more about a possible solution for you.

Do you have more questions about which laser option may be right for you? Please request a consultation online or call our Washington, DC, dermatology office at (202) 393-7546.

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